Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Nature's Magician

A quick catch-up blog entry. Just to say I have been under the weather with a virus and have 2 children off school with the same. Little time for writing or reading over the last couple of days.

However, I have just re-watched the excellent Twelve Monkeys. There was some discussion between my wife and I as to what actually happened in the end. And that has led me to think about story endings, closed and open.

I'm reading Anthony Cropper's excellent short story sequence Nature's Magician at the moment - which also asks questions about the endings of stories. I'll write more on that book when I have finished reading it. A story that has an ending that is left open can sometimes feel 'unfinished'. However, a story of that sort leaves you thinking for days after you have finished reading it. The mind can't quite let go, because the circle hasn't been finished.

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