Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Telling a story through Editing

Novelists are solo story tellers (usually). Screenwriters are one of a team. If you have ever doubted the role of the movie editor in telling a story, then this amazing video may change that:

I can't even begin to imagine how much work this must have taken to produce. It is an editing miracle. Starting with nothing coherent, the editor has created a gem. Consider then, what an editor can do with a well crafted story, beautifully filmed, acted and directed.



Unknown said...

imagine a writer actually directing the film with no experience...
how is it possible he's not a composer when through his editing he composes...that has been a question for me since i started working on dance for film!

Rod Duncan said...

Hi Kim,

Film is an intensely collaborative medium. I guess a good director works out what the people working for her/him are good at and trusts their judgement within that area.


Ms A said...

That is brilliant. What a very clever man. (Thanks for the mention btw :D)
