Thursday, July 30, 2009

Yarn Podcast 1

Being a dyslexic novelist, I have a somewhat conflicted relationship with books. I love stories but accessing them through text has always been a challenge. Perhaps that is why I set out on a journey to try to understand why some people love reading so much that they join book clubs or reading groups.

Below is the opening of the documentary I made to record my journey. In the coming days and weeks I will be podcasting the whole film in 6 episodes.


Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to the next episodes of Yarn. Nice to see John Martin who led the first book-group I attended at Hinckley Library many years ago. It was an unusual group in that we didn't all read the same book but chose from a selection on a theme. We then discussed what we'd read and the great thing was that I could then decide whay to read next based on the recommendations of other readers. We did our own Booker Prize, as soon as the shortlist was announced we would each reasd as many as we could and vote our own winner. As teh list was often out for autumn half-term, I did some years manage to read everything on the list.

I learnt to read quite easily and sonn preferred books to people which made me a solitary child and, I'm told, a slightly eccentric adult.


Rod Duncan said...

Thanks for the comment Marianne.

Sorry the blog has been rather quiet for the last few days. I have been away. Things should get back to normal very soon.
