Saturday, March 12, 2011

Not so silent

It may seem as if I have been silent for a few months, but it is not so. All my blogging recently has been on the Museum Buddies (MuBu) site.

But I will be returning my activities here very soon as the period of my digital writer residency is coming to an end.

In the meantime, this is the kind of thing I have been writing about:

Miles Travelled = 649
Museums Visited = 11
Mood = Hungry

I’ve been travelling around heritage locations in the East Midlands for a few months now and to be honest the only places I’ve been really aware of food were the various museum cafes which have sustained me on the journey – a jacket potato, a cup of tea and perhaps a bar of chocolate.

But that must change today. I’m travelling to Lincoln in the company of...

You can find the full article here at my MuBu blog

1 comment:

Paul said...

Nice to see a little Author Intrusion again!
