Saturday, May 23, 2009

How to set up a blog

Next February this blog will be 5 years old. Perhaps a day for a small celebration? Hmmm - I'll think about that. No promises, but would anyone be interested in coming to a small party in Leicester? The blog equivalent to a book launch - a celebration of survival.

However, the downside of this long evolution is that I can now not remember all the technical steps I went through to set it up. Also - in retrospect, would I have done it this way?

To help me answer these questions, I am going through the process of setting up another blog, and recording all the tehnical steps. Where to record them? On the blog, of course. This project is really for my own benefit, rather than being intended as a public showcase. But you're welcome to look in in if it interests you. But be warned, I am really very ignorant in these things, so if you do look in you will see me making lots of mistakes.

The blog is called Blog Steps.

My intention is to incorporate successful discoveries into my handling of this blog. It may also help me make the decision of whether I want to migrate this blog onto another platform - something I have been thinking about for a few months.


Paul Lamb said...

I would love to come to your blog party! Will you be able to cover the airfare from the middle of the U.S. and lodging for me while I'm there? I can take care of my own meals.

Pam said...

I moved my blog from blogspot to wordpress, because they have a great stats page. I have been interested in seeing how many people are viewing. I have got 2500page views in the 4 weeks since I moved it over here.
I think its useful to have steps for blogging, so that people are doing it for the right reason.

Mosher said...

Like Pam, I shipped from Blogger/Blogspot to WordPress some time ago. My main reason was to get more control over layout and widgets on the side. At the time, Blogger was very rigid in what you could and couldn't do with it.

Now, I believe that's changed but I still prefer WordPress. Mind, I'm "self-hosted" - that is I have my own copy of WordPress running on my own server space with my host provider. There is a which works in much the same way as Blogger, but again you're limited as to what you can plug in.

The stats with WordPress are very good, but with a little code you could always use Google's. The thing I like about WP's is that whether you're hosted on or self-hosted, you're still "tied" into the WP community should you choose to be so. That means they monitor your stats, help with pingbacks and so forth.

I'd still recommend WordPress over Blogger, but it would be a little unfair as I know Blogger's changed so much since I left.

Rod Duncan said...

Paul - sorry about this but...

Pam and Mosher - This is what I plan to do with the test blog - build it on Blogger and then go through the process of migrating it to wordpress on my own domain.

After that dry-run, assuming it goes well, I'll be ready to do it with this blog.

That's the plan, anyway.

Mosher said...

Well, Rod, if you need any help feel free to ask. You've one major advantage now, anyway - the templates for transferring have improved greatly since I did it.

Oh, and I had all my comments on HaloScan whereas I believe all yours are still in Blogger. I had to pay to get access to my entire comment backlog so I could transfer them. Not an issue direct from Blogger.

There *can* be issues with the transfer, though. Expect to be proficient as deleting and starting again by the time you have your blog up and working ;)

Rod Duncan said...

Thanks Mosher
